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That Event Company - Event filming in Oxford


That Event Company, Oxford - Creating lasting digital memories of events, speeches and conferences


TEC getting the right footage at the right time and in the right environment


WE have filmed many different events and for many different reasons, below we have listed just a small amouont of filming we have done in Oxford recently.


To discuss your filming project please contact us

Camera filming main stage at conference before it begins
Conference filming, live mixing and editing

During a live conference, we have setup several camera's to feed several displays all at different times. The footage of the event was then collated and edited and shrunk down into a small file for digital distribution a week after the event.

Prince william opening Oxford university building
Live filming and video distribution

A single point of veiw situated on the podium for a a royal opening. What you dont see is that this was sent live over the intranet to several spaces over the site through to nine LED screens and two HD projectors


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