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That Event Company - Band lighting hire

There are so many great lighting effects for bands out there on the market today, let us help you select the best lighting equipment to hire for your event.

If you are looking to light a band it will be for 3 reasons;

You are the band

You are putting on a event

Its your wedding

No matter which of the above categories you fall in to we have the perfect band lighting to suit your needs, whether it be basic band wash lighting or complex moving heads and designed shows.

Alternatively if you are new to this and require guidance please see below

Firstly we need a budget - keeping to your budget allows us to design the lighting hire for your event perfectly with small amounts of twaeks. This saves you alot of time allowing you to concentrate fully on your event

Below we have included the most popular band lighting elements we supply;

Par cans:

Incandescent and LED, these units create the wash on the crowd and band - can also be used as crowd blinders but are suitable for budget band lighting and more complex shows

LED Battens:

Pixel controlled 1m and 0.5m LED units are an exceptional tool to give an amazing backdrop to bands - a constantly changing stage really adds a wow factor to the overall show.

Moving heads;
Moving heads are now one of the most used effects in nightclubs and festival stages.
They come in 4 distinct flavours but combined together create amazing mid air effects;

Beam: These are exceptionally narrow beams that are perfect for really cutting through the air, and can be seen for a considerable distance

Profile: These have a wider beam angle and create great gobo and pattern effects

Wash / LED wash: These primarily are used for colour washing of a space and artists.

We also have a range of budget lights to hire for smaller events

Please contact us at our Oxford office or Bucks warehouse to discuss your event or hire

Band wash lighting
Basic LED band wash

Completely transform your bands platform at your event for minimal cost.

LED units are cost effective and can be floor mounted or raised on truss or lighting stands.

This is the most cost effective solution to lighting a band. Please contact us for up to date pricing

Band lighting bright
Pixel LED backdrops

A simple backdrop like a star cloth or LED pixel controlled LED units create the perfect high class wedding or corporate event with out the lights being "too much"

Moving head lighting
Moving lights

With addition to the above the next step is to move onto moving light.

These combined with smoke and haze really do add the final polish onto an event if you are looking for a nightclub, festival or large scale event finish

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